The Christian Triumph

The Christian Triumph by William Blake is an engraving of Christ's resurrection from the dead1. Jesus is seen leaping through the air with two angels bowing at his feet. The light colors capture the feeling of jubilation as Jesus is released from death. The background is a plain sky with some yellow-tinted clouds. The original image is from William Blake’s illustration of Night Thoughts IV on page 65. Blake repopularized the Night Thoughts series originally created by Edward Young with his illustrations in 17972

Sicner’s recreation of this piece is very close to the original. With the exception of the background not being included on the mural, Jesus and the angels remain the same. Instead of the clouds, the background is replaced with Doré’s The Confusion of Tongues. This work is placed directly above Blake’s other illustration from Night Thoughts II, tying the pieces together by their creator and theme. 

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Pictured: Left Sicner / Right Blake

  1. “The Christian Triumph” The British Museum. The British Museum, 2020. (accessed June 15, 2020).
  2. “Illustrations to Edward Young’s “Night Thoughts” (composed C. (C. 1795-97)” The William Blake Archive. The William Blake Archive, 2020. (accessed July 9, 2020).