Browse Items Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse References Tags: Religious Item Count: 61 Sort by: Title Creator Date Added The Virgin Mary James Sicner 1983 Jesus Crouched Wearing the Crown of Thorns James Sicner 1983 Hindu Decorative Discs James Sicner 1983 Portrait of Isis James Sicner 1983 The Avaricious and Prodigal James Sicner 1983 Early Mesoamerican Mask James Sicner 1983 Depiction of Muhammed James Sicner 1983 Calligraphy of Umar's Name James Sicner 1983 Minoan Snake Goddess James Sicner 1983 Female Columns from the Erechtheion James Sicner 1983 Samson Carries Off the Gates of Gaza James Sicner 1983 Agni Riding Goat James Sicner 1983 Collection of Totem Poles James Sicner 1983 Papal Pyramid James Sicner 1983 Augustine of Hippo James Sicner 1983 The Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels Title Page James Sicner 1983 Art of Pope Alexander VI James Sicner 1983 Marble Sphinx James Sicner 1983 Jesus Being Flogged James Sicner 1983 The Buyers And Sellers Driven Out Of Temple by Jesus James Sicner 1983 Esther Confounding Haman James Sicner 1983 Paul at Ephesus James Sicner 1983 The Birth of Venus James Sicner 1983 Daniel in the Den of Lions James Sicner 1983 Marcantonio Raimondi’s Eve James Sicner 1983 Adam and Eve Driven Out of Eden James Sicner 1983 Death of Samson James Sicner 1983 Mayan Figure James Sicner 1983 Egyptian Symbols and Hieroglyphics James Sicner 1983 Mayan figure holding Chinese Symbols James Sicner 1983 Buddha Head and Hand James Sicner 1983 Signatures from a Demonic Contract James Sicner 1983 Ra as the Egyptian Winged Sun James Sicner 1983 Ankh James Sicner 1983 Mayan Letters James Sicner 1983 Antaeus Lowering Eve James Sicner 1983 Kali James Sicner 1983 Angel with a Sword James Sicner 1983 Sun of Adonai James Sicner 1983 Ladder of St. Gregory James Sicner 1983 Altar of St. Gregory James Sicner 1983 Worshipers of Jesus James Sicner 1983 Cherubs Blowing Trumpets James Sicner 1983 Latin Verse James Sicner 1983 The Resurrection of Jesus James Sicner 1983 Egyptian God Heh Holding Staff James Sicner 1983 Tower of Babel James Sicner 1983 Kneeling Apparition of Jesus James Sicner 1983 Albrecht Dürer’s Signature James Sicner 1983 Jesus on the Cross with Angels Collecting His Blood James Sicner 1983 Adam and Eve James Sicner 1983 Christ of Saint John of the Cross James Sicner 1983 Noah's Ark James Sicner 1983 The Madonna on the Crescent James Sicner 1983 Durga James Sicner 1983 Ganesha James Sicner 1983 Moses Breaking the Tablets of the Law James Sicner 1983 Man in Pentagram James Sicner 1983 Horus James Sicner 1983 Shiva Nataraja - Lord of the Dance James Sicner 1983 Buddha Shakyamuni James Sicner 1983 Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2